Health Coaching Packages

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15 Minutes FREE

Ready to get started? Book your free 15 Minute absolutely Free Consultation and see how I can help reach your goals!


Pantry Makeovers

The pantry makeover is a great place to start when making diet and lifestyle changes. We will have a short conversation prior to the makeover to discuss what you would like to see different or improved within your pantry. If you've gone gluten free you may be wondering what might have gluten in your pantry or how do you store gluten free foods. Maybe you have a very small pantry and want tips on the best organization in a tight space or you don't have a pantry and want to create a space for pantry items. Some of you may be doing a complete purge of everything processed and want support and someone there to answer questions about products.

With the pantry makeover session, you'll receive:

  • Pre-makeover 30 minute conversation to understand your needs and wants
  • Makeover session in your kitchen pantry lasting 1 to 2 hours
  • After the makeover, you will receive pantry plan suggestions based on our session in your kitchen pantry

Being organized in the kitchen will help you make these lifestyle changes and reduce the stress of a mess!

Grocery Tours

Are you making changes to your diet by eating healthier foods, but find grocery shopping confusing, exhausting or overwhelming? Then this is the package for you! I will show you how to navigate the never-ending aisles of food products, make sense of food labels and show you more health-oriented areas of the store. I'm happy to meet at the grocery store you prefer to use.

Based on your goals or recommendations from your medical practitioner, we'll meet at the grocery and talk about:

  • Managing shopping when you're eating habits have changed (i.e. organic vs not organic, gluten free, etc.) Reading labels
  • Introducing new ingredients
  • How to spot healthy, on-the-go options for your busy lifestyle
  • Providing grocery shopping and meal planning tips and phone applications that save time

Empower yourself to change your life and your nutrition by learning how to successfully navigate the grocery!

Full Services available:
Diet Education
Fitness for busy professionals
Eating Disorder Identification and Support
Emotional Support
Food Journaling
Goal Setting
Grocery Store Tours
Life-fulfilling Habits
Meal Planning
Mindfulness Nutrition
Label Education
One-on-one Consultations
Pantry Purge
Stress Management
Wellness Issues
Sleep Management
Better habit building
Time management

What is Health Coaching?

A health coach is a person educated in nutrition, health and wellness, mentoring, and behavioral studies. They can serve as a mentor or advocate to help guide individuals to make positive changes in lifestyle to improve health. They can provide accountability, direction, and support to help clients stop struggling and start succeeding.

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